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Avengers Age of Ultron......

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 3:41 am
by Scott the Hockey Guy you may be asking.....why Scott....why are you putting this in the Agents of SHIELD discussion???

Well I shall explain.....Marvel has been quite proud of this lil universe they've made and how EVERYTHING connects and is intertwined and OUR CONTINUITY IS AWESOME look at us!! Well right....the movies certainly are....hell even Guardians of the Galaxy is sorta poking its nose into the movies....and even that lil red and blue spider is coming....but we've been told on how Agents of SHIELD is a big part of this whole puzzle.....hell this whole show has been derailed twice from the results of the Marvel movies (and probably will again once civil war comes out) you'd think they'd be able to even spare FIVE MINUTES and let some of the people from Agents of SHIELD be in the danged movie....have a presence.....hell even as a reminder.....there's a TV Show paralleling all this stuff???

Nope.....not a bit.....not a much as I enjoyed every last bit of this movie.....I find myself highly annoyed about this (and rather than have poor Jamie roll her eyes at me the whole night as I ramble on about this).....I figured I'd mention it here and see if anyone else felt the same

if this show is gonna be at the whims of all these movies and whatever happens in them.....they kinda deserve better than to be forgotten (hell even the Daredevil pilot was more intertwined at this point)

....hopefully I feel better now and Jamie can sleep without me squawking all night about this!

Re: Avengers Age of Ultron......

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 3:47 am
by Starsaber
Honestly, I think we have to wait until after the next Agents of SHIELD episode to judge how closely things were connected. Last week's AoS was a direct lead in to the opening sequence of the movie. And really, the only thing I can think of that would have made sense to bring someone from Agents of SHIELD into Age of Ultron would have been having one of the Koenigs in the background at the New Avengers facility, which I'm assuming had something to do with Theta Protocol.

I am wondering about the staff of that facility, and whether we now have 3 a third SHIELD out in the world.

Re: Avengers Age of Ultron......

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 4:07 am
by Scott the Hockey Guy
I guess.....just feels unfair to have us all vested in the TV show and never get a bit of a payoff in the movie....hell if they had subbed Fury for Colson even (with an explanation that ties into the TV show).....i'd have felt world's better about it that's all....i kinda wanted a bone for being a fan....errr....follower..... of the show